Sunday, September 24, 2006

Section - XX - The Leasing Company

Leasing Company
By Leasing Company we mean any Organisation (AID and similar Non-Profit organisations) which would step in as a Financier for the various components of the intervention. The Many roles envisaged for this is as follows:
1. For the initial 0.5 Acre land not all farmers might be ready to give it for free, so in order to ensure that the entitlements are assured for the landless, the Leasing Company would negotiate with the farmers. This anyways keep happening in the villages on a regular basis. There could be 2 models either the Company gives leases out this portion of the land ( typically Rs. 2000 per year) and hands it over to the 5 women or make a member of the farmer family one of the 5 people working on the 0.5 acre land.
2. A triangular Arrangement has to be made in which the Leasing company would be a party alongwith farmers and the landless with clear cut details of the entitlements, water sharing etc.,
3. The Leasing Company stands as one of the parties in the Gram Sabha meetings where they would bring in the question of concessional credits to the farmers and negotiate with the Panchayats (MOUs) for the common lands and water sources
4. The Leasing Company has to be the one to give credits for irrigational facilities either as a low interest rate finance or as a zero-interest financing through revolving fund
5. Similarly credits for the Bio-Energy plants etc.,
6. Finally, the Leasing Company acts as a means of Social Control for the evolution of the Collective with a series of Carrot and Stick measures as enumerated in the various sections


Blogger Supriya Kumar said...

The term, "The Leasing company" sounds a bit like the East India Company! I'd call AID something else. :)
But very interesting blog. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting you again this december and visiting the plots.

12:57 PM


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